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How to Steer Through Anxiety

Writer's picture: Terri RimmerTerri Rimmer

As far back as I can remember I’ve always felt anxious.

I jokingly say I came out of the womb that way!

It does run in my family, but I also think the experiences that have shaped who I am lend themselves to this disorder.

Having been abused and living in so many places as a child as the result such as a children’s home where the staff made me swim laps every time I lost a pound when I had anorexia, certainly didn’t help my childhood anxiety.

Medication and Meditation: Searching for Solutions

I’m always searching for solutions to the apprehension, whether it be through medication, meditation, or a combination thereof. I’ve been on a few prescriptions for the mental disorder through the years, but none seem to really work that well or for long although I am on one now. Despite taking it as prescribed, I still struggle with anxiety. I can remember being in the middle of a custody battle between my parents and how I would become so withdrawn and shut down because I couldn’t deal with it inside me.

Understanding Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Anxiety attacks are usually triggered by a stressor or event whereas a panic attack can come out of seemingly nowhere. I’ve had both many times. Anxiety is that feeling of impending doom that a person suffering from often feels.

For instance, usually when some good things start happening in my life, this inner voice will say, “Something bad’s going to happen” - like recently. My mentor tells me to tell the committee in my head to take a break every time it comes up.  

Coping Mechanisms: Exercise, Breathing, and “Three Things”

Exercise can help with anxiety as can deep breathing and reducing the stress in your life.

Not long ago I learned a method to deal with the problem called “Three Things.” In the midst of an anxiety attack you identify three things you can see, a trio you can touch, a set of triple items you can feel, triple group you can smell, as well as three movements you can make with your body. Repeating a mantra has also helped me and I use it a lot at night to sleep or when I take a nap. Distracting yourself, trying yoga, mindfulness, and natural remedies such as drinking chamomile tea or taking Valerian are also said to be remedies, however I have had no luck with the tea or Valerian nor any with Melatonin.

Talking with others is another remedy that has worked in my life as well as playing music while I clean house or just listening to it in general.

A lot of people experience anxiety because of physical health problems, stress at work, and unresolved conflicts or trauma. I can remember being at so many jobs throughout my life and, when faced with a new overwhelming project at work just having anxiety overtake me so that I couldn’t concentrate. One of the symptoms of this mental health problem is difficulty focusing.

I recall in Sept. 1991 I got a job as a legal secretary but at the time I was living in a halfway house temporarily because I had nowhere to go. The stress of living there and handling a high pressure job was a lot to deal with and at the time I didn’t have the tools to do it.

Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking

Surprisingly, glossophobia, also known as fear of public speaking which is the top fear among Americans, according to statistics , never bothered me since I got over it in speech class during my senior year of high school. I have spoken to groups many times as an adult and used to be so focused on the audience members’ expressions that I would lose my train of thought. I would worry about what they thought so I started taking off my glasses when I speak at the podium and since their faces are blurry I can’t read their facial expressions.

It works like a charm!

Foods That Help and Hurt

Foods rich in magnesium are great for anxiety and I recently found out that caffeine is bad for this mental condition. I used to drink lots of it and in hindsight can see how it affected my mental state.

Having owned cats and dogs through the years I’ve also found that being around animals calms me and research has backed that up. People with pets tend to be able to turn to their critters for comfort and distraction and the pet owner’s blood pressure is usually lowered in such cases.  

When you have such persistent anxiety that it’s interfering with your life then it’s time to seek professional help as well, according to experts.

You can live a good life even with anxiety and it doesn’t have to rule your every waking or sleeping moment.

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