Asthma is a prototypical chronic physical condition that has been linked with mood disorders and anxiety.

Every day since I was diagnosed with it, it has been a fight, something so many people take for granted, including some of my former friends who I have lost friendships with due to them not understanding my chronic condition. They didn't comprehend that me being hospitalized nine times for this lung disease since 1992 means I can't be around smokers, not because I'm a snob, but because it's life or death. I'm 58 now and the older I I've gotten, the more trouble I have with my asthma.
Stress, anxiety, and depression are likely to interrupt a person's regular respiratory condition's self-management routines and increase the risk of an exacerbation, according to research. The risk for co-occurring medical and mental health conditions is bidirectional where one illness heightens the risk of developing the other, states and I do deal with anxiety and depression. Strong emotions and stress are well known triggers of asthma. Living with it is one of many things that can be a trigger for anxiety because of the constant fear of having a flare-up or attack. Agitation disorders are more common in people with asthma than the general population, research shows. One in three people with the latter will have an anxiety disorder at some point in their life. Excessive worrying or stress induced asthma have the same symptoms of the breathing problem. As your wheezing and coughing gets worse you get more anxious which only makes your ability to take air in worse. Beta blockers and over the counter pain relievers like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), aspirin, and ace inhibitors can trigger asthma symptoms.
Also known as bronchial asthma, it was associated in research studies with a significantly increased likelihood of any anxiety disorder including panic disorder and panic attacks. Being extremely anxious can cause flareups of your lung condition or asthma attacks. Some studies find that the severity of the seven different types of the lung disease is linked to depression.
I was officially diagnosed with the condition in which your airways swell and narrow at 26 close to my first hospitalization but I was suffering from it at age 12. I actually I found out several years ago that my disease goes back as far as age three when my mom used to put Vapor Rub on me to help me breathe. The only people who know the terror of the possibility of running out of your inhaler or the panic of getting your nebulizer hooked up in time are those who suffer from asthma and other lung diseases. I have been blessed on two different occasions by friends who gave me medications for my nebulizer and bought me inhalers that I couldn't afford.
Relaxation techniques for asthma anxiety include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, setting priorities, taking breaks, Tai Chi, stress reduction, and mindful meditation which can help with stress and anxiety and improve overall well being. Bupropion treatment has been associated with significant improvements in depression and anxiety symptoms in severe asthma exacerbation patients.
My fantasy if I ever have the money is to open facilities for people who need inhalers and nebulizers along with the medications required for them so that they could obtain them for free without ever having to worry about running out.
This would be worldwide.